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Bicester receives award for supporting former Armed Forces personnel

Thursday 10 November 2022 at 14:45:00 UTC


Al Suttie

Bicester Motion awarded bronze medal by Defence Employer Recognition Scheme

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Bicester Motion has received a bronze award from the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme for its commitment to supporting formers members of the Armed Forces.

James Cameron, CEO and Founder of Mission Motorsport, said: ‘As a founder member of the Mission Automotive initiative, Bicester Motion continues to open up opportunities for those seeking employment following a military career. We are incredibly proud to be working with all the companies at Bicester Motion who support our work, and are one step closer to making Britain the best place to be a veteran.’

Dan Geoghegan, CEO, Bicester Motion, added: ‘Here at Bicester our mission remains to provide a welcoming and equal-opportunities workplace for all. Developing our relationship with Armed Forces personnel and the unique skillsets and talent that they offer to our site, is truly remarkable to see.’

A number of specialist businesses based at Bicester Motion’s Heritage quarter have also been awarded bronze by the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. They include Blue Diamond Riley Services, Classic Performance Engineering, Classic Oils, Harry Fraser Upholstery, Heritage Skills Academy, Historit, Kingsbury Racing, RH45 Insurance, and the Vintage Radiator Company.

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