Auto Artists aid Ukraine
Friday 4 March 2022 at 15:00:00 UTC
Al Suttie
Auto Artists for Ukraine raising money for humanitarian aid

A new classic car initiative has been set up called Auto Artists for Ukraine to raise money for the humanitarian crisis in Urkaine.
The initiative is offering artwork by many automotive artists via social media, with all proceeds of the sale going to the British Red Cross’ Ukraine CrisisAppeal.
Among those artists already signed up are Tim Layzell, Helen Stanley, and Ella Friere. More than 25 artists have contributed work and there is a variety of works being offered at a range of prices.
Auto Artists for Ukraine has been set up by the Reverend Adam Gompertz and Jonny Ambrose, who said: ‘Why we are doing this is having seen the escalating horror in Ukraine. We realise our initiative might only make a small contribution in the grand scheme of things, but we wanted to raise funds, and join others in uniting a love of all things automotive and to help Ukrainians fleeing the conflict.’